Deadlock on L&D Funding: Rich Countries again tramples on equity and trust in the global climate agreement

The fourth meeting of the Transition Committee for the operationalisation of the Loss and Damage Fund ended in Aswan, Egypt with no clear resolutions on key issues especially where the Loss and Damage Fund( agreed to in COP27, at Sharm…


Revolutionary climate pact charts new path to strengthen collaboration Over US$26 billion climate finance commitments made at inaugural ACS ACS announces global gathering will hold on a biannual basis   The Africa Climate Summit (ACS), co-hosted by the African Union…

18 inventors seek $49. 6m intervention at Africa Social Impact Summit

African inventors and entrepreneurs are seeking 49 million dollars from investors at the just concluded Africa Social Impact Summit (ASSIS) to scale up their businesses at the just concluded summit in Lagos This is contained in a statement signed by…

OGRC: Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer Grant Selects Top 5 Candidates

The 5th Annual Jennifer Ward Oppenheimer Research Grant which opened earlier this year has made public its top 5 shortlisted candidates. Proudly announcing the list of those who were shortlisted, the Oppenheimer Generations Research and Conservation (OGRC), host of the…

4 Lessons from young leaders: How to beat eco-paralysis

By Savannah Burns, Roving Reporters   It’s easy to be laid low by all that ails our planet; did you know there is a word for this? Eco-paralysis. Eco-paralysis is defined as the feeling that one cannot do anything meaningful…

Oil Marketers explain increase in fuel price; recommend strategies to reduce negative impact

The Major Oil Marketers Association of Nigeria (MOMAN) have expressed their deepest empathy to all Nigerian citizens; acknowledging the challenges faced by the Nigerian public over the increasing cost of premium motor spirit (pms). This is even as the association…

NEMA partners media on disaster, emergency reporting

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) has sought the partnership of the media on the reportage of disaster and emergency in the country. The Director-General of NEMA, Mustapha Ahmed stated this at a workshop for media practitioners on Saturday in…

Global Conference on Anti-corruption Sets Agenda for Tinubu

The Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA Resource Center) and its international partners have set an agenda for President Bola Tinubu on anti-corruption in the country. HEDA and partners urged Tinubu to decisively fight corruption to halt the country’s possible…

Society launches survey on subnational action on climate change

The Society for Planet and Prosperity (SPP) in collaboration with the Center for Climate Change and Development (CCCD), Alex Ekwueme University, Ebonyi State has launched a nation-wide survey on sub national action on climate change. Prof. Chukwumerije Okereke, Director, CCCD,…

122 million more people pushed into hunger since 2019 due to multiple crises, reveals UN report

Latest research shows around 735 million people currently facing hunger, compared to 613 million in 2019 Over 122 million more people are facing hunger in the world since 2019 due to the pandemic and repeated weather shocks and conflicts, including…

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