Scientists can draw very different meanings from the same data, study shows

Giving the same information to multiple scientific teams can lead to very different conclusions, a report published today in Nature shows. And that’s exactly why two researchers think scientists should share their data with others — well before they publish.…

‘Amateur astronauts’ will send a person into space in 2017

Copenhagen Suborbitals currently consists of 50 people — engineers, mathematicians and a kindergarten teacher — who are trying to send a person to space using only off-the-shelf components — the kind you would find in your local hardware store. “All…

Back to the Future: Science fiction turns science fact

One of the technological innovations presented in this film was a huge 3D display. As far as this invention is concerned, Hollywood was almost right. I had gone but a short distance further when what seemed to be an excellent…

Seen From Space: Hurricane Joaquin Churns Towards Bahamas

Hurricane Joaquin battered the Bahamas early Friday and from his perch on the International Space Station astronaut Scott Kelly was witness to the magnitude of the huge storm. Kelly captured this early morning image before the storm hit the Atlantic…

Matt Damon Could Travel To Mars In This Suit, Thanks to Nasa

When you’re making a blockbuster film that’s set on Mars, there’s a lot of science to get wrong. But for The Martian, a cinema adaptation of Andy Weir’s self-published bestseller about a lone astronaut stranded on the red planet, director Ridley…

Margaret Atwood on sex robots, social media and digital reading

Atwood’s stories defy the sci-fi tag; she prefers to call them speculative fiction. “My books build on ideas and concepts that already exist,” she says. Her new novel, The Heart Goes Last, is true to form: tapping into her signature…

Twitter’s new CEO is Jack Dorsey

My first knowledge that I was on the wrong trail came when I heard the yells of the pursuing savages suddenly grow fainter and fainter far off to my left. I had gone but a short distance further when what…

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