High-yieldng, downy mildew-resistant and suitable for food and fodder. Developed by ICRISAT and evaluated by INERA Burkina Faso recently approved the commercial use of its first pearl millet hybrid called Nafagnon. With the approval, the single-cross hybrid also became the first of…
How GEM Technology is pushing Africa towards Self-sufficiency in Rice
The demand for good quality parboiled rice is high in parts of Africa, from east to west, north to south. As at 2015, rice consumption in countries was estimated to be approximately 26 million (MT) of which 13 million MT…
Fish Farmers in Cameroon record increased Income upon Adoption of Technologies
Djam Wilfred Chiatoh, is a fish farmer from the central region of Cameroon. He is also an animal production specialist but after 12 years of poultry, pig and rabbit farming, coupled with a loss of over 2,000 pigs to African…
Food habits must change to meet Paris Climate Agreement, Oxford-led study finds
By Yihang Fang According to an Oxford-led study published in the journal Science, even if the world significantly reduces its reliance on fossil fuels, it will still be unable to meet the Paris Climate Agreement goals if the global food system…
Connecting communities and advancing gender equality in The Gambia
The Gambia is a small fragile country in West Africa – one that is faced with growing poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition. Over the last decade, major climate-related crises as well as disease outbreaks have left the population more vulnerable.…